Installation #6527
Install version 20221013
#1 Updated by Albert van Eck over 2 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Dear HPC User
To make use of the VICTRE Breast pipeline, please follow the instructions below.
To install the pipeline, execute the following command, and follow the instructions provided by the command itself.
module help breast_victre
The pipeline requires that you have the Python code calling the pipeline, within the same directory where the pipeline is installed. When following the instructions as mentioned by the module help command, the default location will be in your home-directory under a directory called VICTRE_PIPELINE
Therefore, suppose you want to execute a file named, follow these instructions:
cp <Path where the file resides>/ ~/VICTRE_PIPELINE/
If you make use of the MCGPU projection function, you have to submit the job to a GPU node. The following example can be saved into a PBS submit file, to execute your pipeline on a node with a GPU:
#PBS -N example5
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=10:gpus=1:gpu
#PBS -l walltime=40:00:00
#PBS -S /bin/bash
module purge &>/dev/null
module load hpc &>/dev/null
module load breast_victre
exit $result
After the job completes, your results should be saved in a sub-folder called results under the pipeline directory, e.g.: