


Spent time


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Hours: 276.51

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
2019-11-26 Fanie Riekert Implement #5479 Use raxml and mrbayes build scripts. Testing and user training 4.00
2019-11-15 Albert van Eck Implement Support #5455: Install vaspvts v 5.4.4 Installed 0.30
2019-11-13 Albert van Eck Implement Support #5451: Instll Tensorflow 1.15.0 with Virtual Environment Installed Tensorflow 1.15.0 inside a Conda Virtual Environment 6.00
2019-11-04 Albert van Eck Implement Support #5432: Install Version 1.15.0 Installed version 1.15.0 2.26
2019-11-01 Fanie Riekert Design #5356 Investigation, and correspondence. 1.00
2019-10-21 Fanie Riekert Implement Bug #5357: Cannot locate Install compat libraries 0.50
2019-10-21 Fanie Riekert Implement #5356 Investigation, and correspondence. 0.15
2019-10-07 Fanie Riekert Implement #603 Consulting documentation, and testing solution. 1.00
2017-11-14 Fanie Riekert Development Bug #5: GeneMarkS not found Wrote script for installation 1.00
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