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Hours: 54.33

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
2021-12-09 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers Tensorflow 4.84
2021-12-08 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers Tendoflow 2.18
2021-12-08 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers Tensorflow 6.51
2021-12-07 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers Tensorflow 3.97
2021-12-07 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 3.96
2021-04-14 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers nVidia issues 4.03
2020-10-09 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 3.58
2020-10-09 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 0.37
2020-10-09 Albert van Eck Implement Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 5.62
2020-10-08 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 2.06
2020-10-06 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 2.79
2020-10-06 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 5.38
2020-08-31 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers 3.77
2020-08-31 Albert van Eck Design Support #5787: Compile GPU Support in GPU support works now. Submit for example: qsub -l nodes=1:gpus=2:ppn=2 -I The variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is automatically set to indicate the GPUs to use 2.32
2020-04-17 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers Started with NUMA layout configuration. More testing required 1.37
2020-04-17 Albert van Eck Design Feature #5638: Modify GPU servers NUMA layout needs to be refined 1.59

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